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What's next for the 'Lost Generation' of academics?

Sara Ricardo Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona & Gilles Mirambeau Sorbonne Université
29 October 2018

The 'lost generation' refers to mid-career researchers that, after completing many temporary positions, find themselves largely excluded from research careers. How do we address this growing issue?

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Nano-bionic life

Joseph J Richardson University of Melbourne & Kang Liang University of New South Wales
6 June 2018

'Bionic life' utilizes non-biological supermaterials to give organisms emergent properties outside the scope of evolution. Analogous to space suits worn by astronauts, such materials can protect an organism from harsh and toxic environments, and allow them to live off normally indigestible molecules. This technology has the potential to revolutionize areas such as the pharmaceutical industry, toxic waste remediation and space travel.


How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?

Richard Stallman Free Software Foundation
We need to reduce the level of general surveillance, but how far? Where exactly is the maximum tolerable level of surveillance, which we must ensure is not exceeded?

The Digital Revolution: Why do you Google?

Andreas Ekström Sydsvenskan
While we seem to be enchanted by the idea, there really is no such thing as an unbiased search result.

Identity: Who Do You Think You Are?

Chris Hankin & Andrew Burton Imperial College London
By 2020, it is predicted that networked devices, streaming information and connecting us globally, will exceed 50 billion. But will we be able to switch off, or maintain distinct identities in online and offline worlds?

Imagine a future dominated by brain emulation robots

Robin Hanson George Mason University
History took us from the age of foraging to the age of farming, will brain emulation technology now take us from the industrial era to the age of the "em" economy?

Kill the Bill

Corrado Nai Technische Universität Berlin
20 March 2018

Science is experiencing a crisis which revolves around scholarly publishing. The open access model of “pay to publish”, in which authors pay a charge to cover production and subscription costs, is increasingly shaking the traditional subscription model in which universities pay for access. Can we move away from today’s profit-driven publishing model and towards an open, shared and collaborative scientific community?

Crossing the astronomical divide between science and policy

Thierry J.-L. Courvoisier University of Geneva
22 November 2017

Science, and astronomy in particular, have had a deep impact on our world view. Modern human lifestyle has led our planet to face critical challenges. Scientists have an important responsibility to help societies respond and thrive within this new reality.

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